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Complete title of the journal ex æquo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres

Abbreviated title ex æquo

Property Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres - APEM (Portuguese Association of Women’s Studies)
NIPC: 502 914 513

Frequency Biannual

Print ISSN 0874-5560

Electronic ISSN 2184-0385

ERC registry number 123506

Legal Deposit 136336/99

Circulation of the print version 500 copies

Typesetting Edições Afrontamento

Printing Rainho & Neves Lda.

Sponsor FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Objectives of the journal
To promote the development, visibility and legitimacy of knowledge produced in the framework of Women’s Studies/Gender Studies/Feminist Studies.
To facilitate contacts among all those pursuing research in the framework of these studies, both in the academia as well as at government level and in civic or cultural organisations.
To contribute to the on-going debate on the situation of women and on gender equality in Portuguese society.

Areas of interest of the journal
An interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary journal in the area of Women’s Studies, Gender Studies and Feminist Studies.

History of the journal
The journal ex æquo was created by the Portuguese Association of Women’s Studies in 1999. It was a thematic journal until 2007, dealing with themes within areas such as Philosophy, Social Psychology, Sociology, History, Anthropology, Theology, Communication Sciences, Law, Sports, Theatre, Plastic Arts, Educational Sciences, Political Science, Health and Economics.
After 2007 ex æquo changed its thematic character. Each number now includes a Thematic Dossier, a section of Studies and Essays and a section of Bibliographical reviews.
The journal has mainly dealt with social problems and social dimensions such as citizenship practices, sports, literary production, social representations, scientific research, democracy and political participation, media, associative activities and work and employment.
The journal was published by Celta Publishers from 1999 until 2003 and started to be published by Afrontamento Publishers in 2004, thus making possible to keep it present in commercial circles.

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